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10 Foods to Eschew During Menstrual Cycle

Cramps, anger issues, cravings, and mood swings? These are just some of the symptoms that you might be having a Shark Week. Each month, us women suffer from a bloody week that gives us anxiety and discomfort. Albeit we want to ditch this week but we can’t because it is necessary for our well-being, nevertheless, we can make something to lessen the pain by simply avoiding these foods!

1. Cold drinks

Cold drinks are a must during summer but a big no-no during your menstrual cycle. It causes the uterus to contract to make it difficult for the blood to flow properly thus resulting in dysmenorrhea or painful menstruation!

2. Spicy Food

Though it is still scientifically conclusive, it is believed that eating spicy food during your period could lead to dysmenorrhea!

3. Tea

Wait, what? Yes, you read it correctly. If you think tea can help you soothe the pain of your menstruation, you got it all wrong! Caffeine causes cramps and tea contains high caffeine that stimulate nerves and cardiovascular which can prolonged excessive bleeding and anxiety.

4. Wine

You might want to give your wine glasses a pause while having a period. If you think it can make the cramps go away, well as a matter of fact, it can cause irregularity on your menstruation and increase the estrogen level within your body!

5. Sweets

More often than not, we crave for sweets like candies and chocolates during our menstruation this is because our blood sugar level becomes unstable during this period. If you’re craving for something sweet try eating mix fruits instead of sugary products because aside from its high sugar content, it can also contribute to fatigue and imbalance our immune system!

6. Carbonated drinks

If you hear people saying cold soda can help you relieve cramps, bear in your mind first that carbonated drinks can cause bloating which can lead to a worse reaction on the uterus.

7. Watermelon

Watermelon is a cold treat that can increase the flow of the blood during our menstrual cycle. Oopsie!

8. Crab and snails

Crab and snails are crustacean foods, and crustaceans are cold foods which can lead to dysmenorrhea.

9. Persimmon

Aside from watermelon, Persimmon is also a cold fruit which can cause discomfort during the period.

10. Cheese

Cheese is a dairy product which is high in arachidonic acid that can trigger cramps!