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6 Things Travelers With No Good Sense Of Direction Can Relate


Planning our future travels is really exciting, isn’t it? We get to pick which places we will visit and crazy friends to accompany us. But most of the time, when we’re so excited booking our trips, we forgot to anticipate the journey and if you’re not keen with roads and signs, you will surely get lost! I mean, who doesn’t get lost?

1. Google map can no longer help you find the road

There will be times that even the world’s greatest inventions don’t have the capacity to help you out your dilemma just like Google Map! For instance, you consulted it for direction but you can’t find the road it says, that my friend is definitely a sign that you’re lost and you’re location is not accurate!

2. No clear directions

You have the materials like compass and map, but do you know how to use it? Yikes!

3. Close but so far away

It is just 10 minutes away but you’re already walking for like an hour or two… yes, you’re lost.

4. Passive listening

Remember those days in school where the teacher is lecturing and you seem to understand everything but when they asked you a question suddenly everything becomes blurry? Passive listening!

5. You went out and can no longer find your way back

Sometimes going out from the hotel can be scary especially if you can no longer find your way back!

6. Each road looks the same

Each road looks the same, every buildings feels like a deja vu, definitely will give us panic attack and insanity!

But never be afraid to get lost sometimes. After all, not all who wanders and lost really get lost, some are just being redirected into more awesome places or collects memories worth treasuring.