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These Things Prove that You and Your Bestfriend are Truly Sisters from Different Mothers!

You might have a lot of friends, but there are only few—or just one—who stands out. And you’ll call them—or that person—your best friend(s) forever!

Here are eight things that will prove you’re lucky enough to find your true BFF!

1. You’ll never let your best friend(s) do crazy things alone.

2. You’ll never trade your best friend(s) for something or someone—even your boyfriend! ‘Cause the company of your BFF(s) is always the best!

3. You never get tired or sick of her (or their, if you have many BFFs) company, though you meet from time to time.

4. Your best friend is always there to give unconditional support! Laughs with you when you’re happy and drinks with you whenever you have problems.

5. Your best friend is your secret keeper, as she is to you. You trust her much, ‘cause you know that she’ll never betray you.

6. You are very comfortable with each other’s family, like they are also yours.

7. She never get jealous or envy your achievements in life, rather she’s happy and proud with it!

8. When time comes that you’ll get married, you’ll not think twice to make her your bride’s maid. As well as be the godmother of your child. Your life will always go with “her”.

So, once you find that friend that will never leave your side no matter what, keep her! ‘Cause just like the quote says “No friendship is an accident”!


*All photos are from Instagram.