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Have an Up-Close Encounter with Dinos at Universal Studios Singapore Jurassic World: Explore & Roar!

Are you one of those thrill-seekers who wish were born when dinosaurs still exist? Then, be glad because Universal Studios Singapore just made your dream come true as it allows you to have an up-close encounter with these gigantic creatures!

Starting last 6 June until 22 August, visitors can experience the absolutely thrilling and enticing world of dinosaurs with the Universal Studios Singapore current theme “Jurassic World: Explore and Roar”!

Jurassic World: Explore & Roar

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Jurassic World: Explore & Roar is a three-month-long special theme of USS where you can get the chance to witness life-sized replicas of dinosaurs, like the T.rex, Velociraptor.

Jurassic World: Roar!

Just like in the movie, here, the tourists can experience how it is like to be surrounded by many dinosaurs. To make adventure more fun, the USS also features stunt-filled live action show!

Raptor Training School

For sure, you’re familiar with the scene where Chris Pratt trains velociraptors in the Jurassic Park movie—some have probably wished they were the one training the dinos. Well, good news, folks! You can experience the exhilarating moment at the Raptor Training School at Universal Studios Singapore!


For more details, please visit the official website: ?


Universal Studios Singapore (Jurassic World: Explore & Roar)

Location: Singapore, Universal Studios Singapore

Date: 2/6/2018 – 22/8/2018

Official Facebook:

Tickets: Adult, SGD 76; Child, SGD 56

Internet Booking: