When you’re at home, in the office, malls or being stuck inside the traffic, we always want to munch something on. There are a lot of snacks both locally and internationally that are very common nowadays in Malaysia. These 20 snacks we’ve listed will never go out of time and will make you feel nostalgic in an instant!

1. Pop Corn Perasa Durian

[insta-img image=”https://klnow.com.my/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2017/05/S_1.jpg” caption=”Image Credit: Viralcham.com”]

Our love for Durian is undeniable! Just look at this pack of pop corn durian we used to munch especially when we were kids!

2. Mi-Mi

[insta-img image=”https://klnow.com.my/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2017/05/S_2.jpg” caption=”Image Credit: Malaysianfoodie.com”]

The small yet heavy pack of saltylicious shrimp!


[insta-img image=”https://klnow.com.my/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2017/05/S_3.jpg” caption=”Image Credit: Viralcham.com”]

Who doesn’t know this monstrous snack? Open the pack toss some seasonings, shake and let the good time roll!


[insta-img image=”https://klnow.com.my/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2017/05/S_4.jpg” caption=”Image Credit: Ivanteh_RunningMan”]

The packaging maybe small in size and less in weight, but is really good to munch on and suck your fingers covered with thick cheese!


[insta-img image=”https://klnow.com.my/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2017/05/S_5.jpg” caption=”Image Credit: AmberTeh”]

This can be bought either on shopping malls or grocery stores. This isn’t your ordinary pop corn as it tastes a lil bit salty due to its tomato flavorings.


[insta-img image=”https://klnow.com.my/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2017/05/S_6.png” caption=”Image Credit: BeautifulNara”]

Who would dare to say they haven’t tasted this delicious snack yet?! This is the latest product of Mister Potato which we can munch the whole day for its sweet potato taste!


[insta-img image=”https://klnow.com.my/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2017/05/S_7-1024×1024.jpg” caption=”Image Credit: xiaohongshu.com”]

Even for a fact that the packaging is full of air, we still insist on buying potato chips as they taste really good! One of the most famous potato chips brand is LAYS, certainly! This LAYS with a smiley packaging design, which is really adorable by the way, is very famous in Malaysia and can be seen in almost all shopping malls!

8. Bin bin rice cracker

[insta-img image=”https://klnow.com.my/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2017/05/S_8.jpg” caption=”Image Credit: hameitu.com”]

Finger licking salty rice biscuits anyone?

9. Cheezels

[insta-img image=”https://klnow.com.my/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2017/05/S_9.jpg” caption=”Image Credit: worldwide.chat”]

Feel like a millionaire when you put cheesy gold Cheezel rings on your fingers!

10. Koko Krunch

[insta-img image=”https://klnow.com.my/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2017/05/S_10.jpg” caption=”Image Credit: mommypracticality.com”]

Sweet Koko Krunch cereal plus tasty milk what more could you ask for? After munching the soft cereal you can drink the milk right from the bowl!

11. Nyam Nyam

[insta-img image=”https://klnow.com.my/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2017/05/S_11.jpg” caption=”Image Credit: todayupfee.com”]

Dip the stick on the chocolate syrup then on rice crispy… I love being a kid again!

12. Pocky

[insta-img image=”https://klnow.com.my/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2017/05/S_12.jpg” caption=”Image Credit: PockyMY/Facebook”]

From the old packaging down to the very latest, our love for Pocky is indestructible!

13. Ikan Satay

[insta-img image=”https://klnow.com.my/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2017/05/S_13.jpg” caption=”Image Credit: nexttrip.my”]

A bag of Ikan Satay is consist of 10 packets good for sharing with friends!

14. Choki Choki

[insta-img image=”https://klnow.com.my/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2017/05/S_14-1024×685.jpg” caption=”Image Credit: lubangberita”]

Choki Choki? Our favorite chocolate! For only Rm1.30-RM1.90, we can munch and play into our mouth a delicious stick of chocolate! Per packaging consist of 5 sticks!

15. Apollo

[insta-img image=”https://klnow.com.my/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2017/05/S_15.jpg” caption=”Image Credit: thestar.com”]

Apollo is dearly love to gnaw by everyone! Thick and sweet chocolate bar leaving a trace on our teeth when we were young, brings back nostalgic memories.

16. Dafha Fried Fish Fillet

[insta-img image=”https://klnow.com.my/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2017/05/S_16.jpg” caption=”Image Credit: Tokopedia.com”]

Long sticks of spicy fish cracker anyone? At first it doesn’t taste really spicy until you eat it for a long period of time and began to notice its spicy content!

17. 可口鱼稣

[insta-img image=”https://klnow.com.my/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2017/05/S_17-1.jpg” caption=”Image Credit: China-makepolo.com”]

Crispy sweet and spicy fish cracker with fragrant sesame aroma, however, it is a bit expensive nowadays.

18. Tao Kae Noi

[insta-img image=”https://klnow.com.my/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2017/05/S_18.jpg” caption=”Image Credit: Deerahmawati”]

Malaysian family’s favorite to munch seaweed snack! It comes with different flavors but the most famous is the original flavor with salty taste!

19. 三叔公淡汶饼

[insta-img image=”https://klnow.com.my/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2017/05/S_19.jpg” caption=”Image Credit: imgrum.net”]

Everytime we go to Malacca we always make sure to bring home a box of this!

20. Dodol Asli / Durian

[insta-img image=”https://klnow.com.my/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2017/05/S_20.jpg” caption=”Image Credit: tripadvisor.com”]

Famous Malaysian dessert! Chewable and sticky candy, another must buy at the market!